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Justice. Equality

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Bonnett, A. (1999, November 25). Anti-Racism. Retrieved from Taylor & Francis Group:


Cherry, K. (2021, June 16). VeryWell Mind. Retrieved from What Is Anti-Racism?:


Reimagining Equality: “We must reject racism”. (2021, May 3). Retrieved from United Nations:

        In today’s generation, there are different kinds of people living in the society. What does it mean by different kinds of people in this context? It means that they are people with different races and religion are living together. When everyone is living together, we should be getting along with each other well and live peacefully. Unfortunately, people don’t get along with each other well is a normal situation around the world. The reason behind this is because of the races, religions or identities. Racism happened around the corner of the world. Racism can be understood by when those people are being treated unfairly and worse than others because of their skin colour and races. Racism can come in different way such as some people pick on others on language form, or some people show the actions that can harm people. “Racism is the repudiation of our common humanity” from the Charter of the United Nations and of all that we are and all that we do. We must reject racism,” the Secretary-General said (Reimagining Equality: “We must reject racism”, 2021). People in the society should be advocating anti-racism.



        What does it mean by anti-racism? It means that anti-racism is the act of actively recognizing and combating racism. Anti-racism aims to stop racism by actively changing the policies, practises, and beliefs that support racist ideas and actions. Racism is a problem because it is all around us. It is something we are born into. It affects our culture and communities such as our schools (Cherry, 2021). Therefore, it is important to spread the awareness of anti-racism to everyone. Hence, we can do it together and stop the racism among each other.


        Moreover, the actions of regular people, outside of the influence of governmental or international bodies, and often unaligned with any political party, make up a large portion of anti-racism history (Bonnett, 1999).  Anti-racism education can be held since young such as included in early childhood education. Let children learn about races, religion, and also differences between them. This can help children to get along and communicate with their peers or friends better in their learning environment.




21st March, The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

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The International Day of Eliminating Racial Discrimination's theme of year 2022 focuses on “VOICES FOR ACTION AGAINST RACISM”. It emphasize the importance of strengthening meaningful and safe public participation and representation in all areas of decision-making in order to prevent and combat racial discrimination. This simple message is to ensure to delivered to people everywhere strengthen their opposition to racism, counter all forms and signs of racism and injustice, and ensure a safe environment for those who speak. It will be a powerful tool to encourage.

Background of International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is celebrated annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid "pass laws" in 1960 (United Nations, 2022).


In 1979, the General Assembly adopted an action plan to be implemented in the second half of the decade to combat racism and racial discrimination. On this occasion, the General Assembly decided to hold a week of solidarity with racism and those fighting racism annually in all states, starting March 21st (United Nations, 2022).



United Nations. (2022). International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.


When everyone is living together, we should be getting along with each other well and live peacefully

Let children learn about races, religion, and also differences between them. This can help children to get along and communicate with their peers or friends better in their learning environment.


When do let children starting to learn race? Educating children about race is not a simple task as they do not understand what anti-racism is. The role of adults plays an important part in educating anti-racism to children. Parents and teachers should instil the value of anti-racism to children since they are an infant.

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